Wednesday, March 31, 2010

How to cancel paypal billing agreement with Godaddy

Alright, its an annoying process for me every time I use paypal to pay for my hosting with godaddy, somebody might find such feature useful though, but just not me. I'm not comfortable with any companies to charge me automatically without me acknowledging the payment, I don't know why some companies just don't give you a choice of preference. When you paid godaddy via paypal, it'll redirect to paypal and ask for your billing agreements. Remember, once you agreed, godaddy will be able to charge you automatically when your payment is due. If you'd like to use such service, its important for you to keep track of your expiring date if you want to cancel certain plans with godaddy.

How do you cancel the agreement? Its quite easy actually. Log into your paypal account, go to profile > paylist. You should be able to see godaddy or other companies you've billing agreement with, click on the company name and choose to cancel it. Click on return to overview to make sure you have successfully cancel the agreement, godaddy should be removed by now.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where to find free online games

Flash has become a very popular standard for free web games as its an easy tools to make either simple or complicated games depends on maker's profession. Almost everyone can make some sort of games with flash with a little research & learning, or just take a summer class to learn something more sophisticated. Thus, the internet is booming with thousands of free flash games made by different people's or companies. They are totally free to play online, its really not hard to find one of these site offering them. Even facebook's are stuffed with flash games including multiplayer support. Still, there's a lot of nice games you can't find on facebook. If you are looking for free flash games, casual or hardcore, visit free cool games for a wide selection of different genre flash games. Some other nice site includes, nitrome, armorgames...etc. Bored, don't know where to surf, try one of these sites and enjoy some casual fun.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Batman Arkham Asylum Grapple/Glide fix?

I'm sure those who find this post are using pirated PC copies of Batman Arkham Asylum. It's weird to see people's asking such question while thinking it's a bugs of the pc games, no it's not! This is an anti-piracy counter measures implemented by Eidos to break your game at some point. So you can get a taste of the game and buy the original copy of Batman Arkham Asylum. Its a win-win situation. In fact, it's one of the most clever DRM I've seen which a crack doesn't seem to fix the problem after several months. There's some patch/crack released claim to fix the gliding and randomly missing grappling point problems, but none seems to fix it completely. Is there a fully playable pirated copies of Batman Arkham Asylum on the internet, no one knows. But some pirated gamers do says they completed the game with fixes available on the net, some claim it doesn't help at all. In the end, if you think its a good game, buy it!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Mass Effect 2 mini review

So I just recently finished Mass Effect 2 on the PC, want to write a short review earlier but thought I should complete the game first before being bias. My final review stay the same when I was half way through the game.

It has been consolized meaning that everything made simpler. Mass effect is a multiplatform game so I can't really say consolized, but I'm PC gamer myself. I'm sure mass effect could have been a better game's if it were designed around PC. Its not ported by any means, you still get controls that are unique to pc that you'll appreciate.

I never played the first mass effect before so I can't judge the different, but from what I heard the rpg elements in the game have been toned down. You can still talk to certain NPC (nothing interesting) and key characters with various choices. From time to time there's fast decision making requires you to either left or right clicking mouse button to perform action. Successfully triggered action will give you points on either paragon or renegade side. My character was more on the paragon side near the end of the game, though I don't see any different on which side you take, but it could have certain effect on Mass Effect 3 when importing your save. Yes, I keep seeing the word Mass Effect 3 on the loading screen and the ending cinematic apparently hints on sequel.

Other rpg elements including planet scanning for minerals which gets really boring and annoying after a while like others reviewer says. There's no secret place or items you can find on these planet beside hunting for minerals by shooting probe on it. Minerals are important, because it is use to upgrades your weapons, armor, powers, ship and even research for new technology.

Most missions are tedious and forgettable. Developers don't spend much time on mission design apparently. You have to recruit around 10? people's to join your mission in destroying the collectors, and each of your members have a personal request mission you can do. Beside that, there's some small side missions around the planets. The problem here is there's basically nothing interesting happened in the process of the missions, you just go from one point to another, cover and shoot until you reach your goal. Most are the same cover and shoot, reach the goal types of mission.

The gameplay itself is okay. Covering and shooting is nothing new in the fps genre, beside guns you can use your biotic powers to attack enemies. You can also give orders to your members by pressing shift button which will temporarily pause the game to give out order or change your weapons. Weapons can be changed by pressing shortcut keys number or switch by x key. You can carry up to 4 weapons at a time, 2 light and 2 heavy weapons. There's also 2 shortcut key q & e to order your team members to move to certain area. Otherwise, you can just focus on shooting and let the AI do the job itself. The biotic powers is a very good added feature for the rpg element, unfortunately it doesn't feel as satisfy & powerful as in star wars game which end up to be just another thing to shoot.

The world of mass effect is very star wars like, futuristic with lots of alien races. Though I found mass effect world to be less appealing, it could be the design issues. The scene just doesn't look just as good or breathtaking, it looks blur and feel far away from you. There's no place in mass effect 2 would make you want to stop and just look around, you'll focus more on running to destination and shooting. The graphic in game is no bad at all, but the design could need some improvement.

Despite of all the downside I point out, Mass effect 2 is still an enjoyable game with interesting enough story backing up. It wouldn't be so successful without a good reason even though I think its overly hyped. Its a decent game, just not as good as I would expected from a game that get such high review score. Honestly ,I enjoyed the old republic and other star wars games much more. Still, I would give this game a score of 8.5 out of 10.

How long was the game? The game feels long enough, I guess I finished it in around 25+ hours. I completed all recruiting & personal request mission, plus some side missions from npc, I think I left around 2 or 3 undone. I also do a lot of mining minerals, I upgraded a lot including most if not all ship upgrades which requires most of your minerals. In the end, I still left with many unused minerals with well over 30,000 zero element. You'll know what I'm saying if you've played the game.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How to make a wordpress post stick on homepage

Haven't update this blog for a while. Here's some nice tip to make a post always stick on the homepage. This is very useful if you want to inform your reader important news without it getting push back every time you make a new post. Actually wordpress already have such function implemented when making a new post, but it was hidden with an edit button which why most people's missed it. When making a new post, on the right hand side "publish column" click on the edit link and the option "stick this post to the front page" will be visible. Remember to tick the option before you publish your post and you are done. If you need other tips on wordpress, just shoot me a comment and I'll try to find a solution for me. Hope you enjoy this! And also I'll try to update this blog more often in coming months, but no guarantee though.